We are fortunate to have the best left-back backup in the world.

When an international break appears, the overwhelming emotion felt by most club football supporters is fear. The concern that one of their great players would return from international duty injured affects fans of every club, but Liverpool fans in particular know that they will unavoidably play an away game on Saturday lunchtime when they return.

It goes without saying that this series of international matches is no exception, and Liverpool staff members and supporters alike have been holding their breath ever since Andy Robertson left the pitch while clutching his shoulder during Thursday night’s meeting with Spain. The fast confirmation of a dislocation was followed by a clarification of the extent of the injury.

There are worries at Melwood that the Scotland captain’s shoulder will need surgery, which would keep Robertson from playing until well into the following year.

Kostas Tsimikas, who has filled in admirably for Robertson in the past, is one of the best second-choice left-backs in all of football, but given how busy the Reds’ schedule is, it would be preferable if two players could share the load rather than the backup playing every three days for a quarter of the season.

Robertson will, at the absolute least, miss the Merseyside derby on Saturday. A non-surgery return to activity has not yet been ruled out, of however, and one may think twice about counting one’s catastrophic chickens before they hatch. We’ll cross our fingers that his absence won’t go much longer than that.


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