Football fans were preparing for Sunday’s big game all throughout the East Bay on Friday. There was plenty of red and white, along with food and drink. It’s one of the most anticipated food-related holidays in America.

Many buyers at Southshore in Alameda were hoping to start planning for, or going to, a Super Bowl party.

There were plenty of shoppers getting set to start an exciting weekend, with everything from red velvet cupcakes to rosé and chardonnay, but it all seemed like a preamble to Super Bowl Sunday. Party hosts were stockpiling everything from candies and snacks to paper plates.

“It’s just always a lot of fun when the local teams are in any of the playoffs,” Alameda resident Ryan Eula said. The ultimate game is the Super Bowl.” “It will be especially enjoyable with the Forty Niners participating in a game that will be viewed by an estimated 100 million people,” he stated.

Food is an essential component of every Super Bowl game. Everyone has their preferred options.

Rhouel Santelices of Oakland said, “Lumpias. I’m going to grab some frozen ones so we can cook them up on Sunday. But we’re going to have a lot of snacks, a lot of burgers. A lot of bar-b-que. That’s what I like.”

Sergio is a courtesy clerk at Piedmont Grocery. He said, “A lot of people are buying chips, Doritos, and salsa.”

Some, like Oakland resident Damon Thompson, mentioned that he enjoys organizing his Super Bowl food. He stated, “I like a nice fruit tray, some wings, some chips, some soda, some dip, that’s it.”

When asked what dessert he likes to serve with his Super Bowl spread, Thompson said, “I like cheesecake. You can’t go wrong with cheesecake, strawberry preferably, or plain. But you also can’t go wrong with cookies, brownies, or ice cream either.”

However, Thompson concurred that the Forty Niners winning the Super Bowl would be the icing on any cake.

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