Roman Reigns was clearly frustrated as he paced back and forth in the ring, holding the microphone tightly. A buzz of excitement filled the arena as everyone wanted to hear the WWE Universal Champion’s thoughts on his opponent, AJ Styles.

Reigns’ voice echoed across the arena, “AJ, you’ve been running your mouth nonstop, trying to tarnish my image.” “You’ve been trying to portray me as someone I’m not by disseminating false information and rumors. Let me immediately correct the record, though.”

The crowd leaned forward, anticipating Reigns’ refutation of AJ’s charges.

Would you like to discuss tarnishing images? “AJ, check yourself in the mirror,” Reigns said, his tone laced with contempt. “You’ve been trying to discredit me at every opportunity by employing deceptive methods. Let me reaffirm, though: there is a reason I am the Universal Champion. I didn’t use cheap shots or mind tricks to win this title; instead, I worked hard and was dedicated.”

AJ’s jaw tightened in rage as he listened to Reigns’ charges, his countenance darkening.

“Do you really believe you can come here and ruin my reputation? Reigns said, his voice booming with power, “Think again.” “I am the head of the table, the Tribal Chief, and I will not let anyone, especially not you, AJ, tarnish what I’ve built.”

Reigns stood erect in the middle of the ring, his confidence unshakeable, as the fans cheered him on.

“I will not allow anyone to damage my reputation going forward,” Reigns declared, his voice resonating around the arena. “I’m going to keep ruling, winning, and demonstrating why I am the legitimate Universal Champion. And you’re going to get a harsh awakening, AJ, if you believe you can stop me.”

As their feud reached new heights of fury, Reigns dropped the microphone and left the ring, leaving AJ fuming.

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