Leaving education to further her man’s job, Isabel Haugseng Johansen

Last night, Lionel Messi was the recipient of the coveted Ballon d’Or trophy, which Erling Haaland almost missed out on.

The 23-year-old Norwegian did, however, earn the Gerd Muller Trophy for top striker following an amazing 52-goal season that saw Manchester City win the FA Cup, the Premier League, and the Champions League.

And his gorgeous girlfriend Isabel Haugseng Johansen stood by his side in Paris, looking even more glamorous than before.

Isabel, 19, frequently watches the famous striker from the sidelines.

However, her opulent existence in Manchester is very different from what it was like to be a student at Bryne Upper Secondary School in southwest Norway just a year ago.

“The luckiest girl in Byrne,” according to her friends, she is also “incredibly beautiful, intelligent, sociable, and outdoorsy.”

She used to ride her bike to school and eat fish sandwiches in the canteen. These days, she gets driven around in a £400,000 white Rolls-Royce Cullinan, dining at the poshest restaurants in the city while evading the Mancunian paparazzi.

Exams are no longer studied for in favor of vacations in Marbella, where Haaland, who makes an astounding £900,000 a week, owns a villa.

Her life now is very different from what it was a few months before when she was still living at home in the fjords with her parents.

It’s thought that Johansen first got to know Haaland at the Bryne youth academy, where they both played.

When he was at Borussia Dortmund, they began dating, and Isabel would often go to see him.

Haaland played for Bryne for over ten years, having joined the team at the age of five. He then had stints at RB Salzburg, Dortmund, and Man City.

She has never used social media and leads a quiet life, although during Haaland’s tenure at Man City, she has been more frequently spotted in public, joining him in celebrating their trophy victories during the previous season.

The quiet village of Bryne, where Isabel was born and raised, has a population of 12,465 and is very different from the busy metropolis of Manchester.

Regarding Haaland, an insider told the Sun last year: “Erling has the world at his feet—and women are lining up to be his partners.”

However, he’s a pretty smart boy, so it makes perfect sense that he’s dating a long-time friend from his hometown.

“He must be able to put his faith in the people in his life and focus solely on football.”

She may love the great outdoors, but it appears that she is adjusting to life in the third city in the UK. The couple has been spotted going to restaurants like The Ivy and visiting Oxford Street on shopping excursions in London.

Football manager Jürgen Klopp, 55, recently referred to the player as the “best striker in the world.”

Erling’s concern with sleep, food, and specific training was said to have played a major role in his achievement last year.

Erling considers getting enough sleep to be “perhaps the most important thing in life” because of his obsession with how it enhances performance. He has thus endeavored to make routines flawless.

In the hours before bed, he puts on blue-light, orange-tinted glasses to filter out the high energy that comes from digital devices and natural light.

Most nights, sleep is planned to begin between 10 and 10.30 p.m., with electronics turned off well in advance of that time.

He frequently leaves his phone on “do not disturb” in order to avoid being bothered.

His diet is well-balanced with fish and carbs, such as his dad’s lasagna.

According to one source, “some players are scared of carbs because they grew up in academies and need to hit targets.” “Pasta, let’s cut the rice; but, that’s your fuel for running.”

He apparently works out more to hone his football skills and uses meditation to help him concentrate.

Being the son of professional football player Alfie Haaland, he has played football his entire life.


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