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Do you know who Emily Beth Stern is? She is a talented photographer, actress, musician, and film director from America. The beauty is popularly known as Howard Stern’s eldest daughter. Stern is a distinguished actor, producer, radio and TV presenter, photographer, and writer

Emily Beth Stern biography The beauty was born in New York, the United States of America on May 7, 1983, to her mother, Alison Berns, and her father, Howard Stern. She is the firstborn in her family. Alison is a psychoanalyst by profession.

The actress was raised alongside her younger sisters, Ashley Jade Stern and Debra Jennifer Stern. She is a granddaughter of Ray Schiffman and Ben Stern. The beauty is of Jewish linage as her parents came from Poland and Austria-Hungary. Her parents parted ways in October 1999 after spending 21 years in marriage, but they legally divorced in 2001. However, the actress is equally close to her parents even if they are not together. Is Howard Stern married today? Yes. Since 2008, he is married to Beth Ostrosky, who is a television personality and a model.

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