Los Angeles Lakers’ coaching woes have sparked a provocative suggestion from former coach Byron Scott: appoint LeBron James as the team’s next head coach. Scott’s unorthodox idea has ignited a heated debate, with some backing the move and others labeling it a desperate measure.

Scott’s reasoning is straightforward: LeBron James is already calling the shots in the organization, so why not make him the official coach? “He’s making a lot of decisions in this organization — from a coaching and player standpoint. So if you’re gonna allow him to make those decisions, sit on the bench and make those decisions as well. Be the head coach,” Scott argued on FS1’s “Undisputed.”

The Lakers have cycled through three coaches since LeBron’s arrival in 2018, and with Tyronn Lue and Kenny Atkinson emerging as potential candidates, Scott believes LeBron should take the reins. “Make him the coach… He’s one of the best players to ever play this game.”

Social media is abuzz with reactions, ranging from enthusiasm to skepticism. NFL legend James Jones countered that Scott is “being salty” due to LeBron’s perceived influence on coaching decisions and lack of accountability.

While LeBron James as coach might seem far-fetched, it’s undeniable that he wields significant sway within the organization. As the Lakers continue their search for a new coach, Scott’s radical proposal has sparked a necessary conversation: what’s the best way to harness LeBron’s leadership and expertise to propel the team forward?

In a league where player empowerment is on the rise, could LeBron James as coach be the innovative solution the Lakers need to break their coaching curse? Only time will tell, but one thing is certain – the debate has just begun.

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