Compared to the Golden State Warriors, the Los Angeles Lakers made a lot more free throws.

In a thrilling game on Saturday night, the Los Angeles Lakers defeated the Golden State Warriors in double overtime. The biggest storyline was undoubtedly the one between LeBron James and Steph Curry, but the free throw war soon took center stage.

Warriors head coach Steve Kerr brought up the Lakers’ 43-16 free throw edge in his post-game interview with media, pointing out that Curry had only three attempts in 43 minutes.

When asked about this after the game, Curry said, “We’ve had this conversation, especially playing against them. They draw a lot of fouls. Last year they had some crazy free throw disparity and advantage. Tonight is just one of those where it’s just not consistent, and that’s the most frustrating part. Because you want to be in a place where the players decide the game, and it’s either the players decide the game or it’s consistent on both ends of what you’re calling.”

Curry added, “Obviously we shoot a lot of threes. I know that there’s a different style, but there’s probably like three plays I was involved in where it’s just a clear bad call in the sense of giving guys unnecessary free throw attempts. And then on the other end, contact or plays that just – they look the other way for whatever reason.”

The Warriors believe the refereeing of this game was subpar, which contributed to their painful loss.

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